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Brian's Personal Portfolio Build Using NEXT.JS
I am a third year computer science student studying at University of Waterloo. Actively looking for employment opportunities in data analytics, science or research and development.
Netflix Clone
Full stack MERN application built using React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB. A fully functional client side with login system using JWT and Bcrypjs, and a responsive admin side with video uploading features to the MongoDB through the Google Firebase system. HTTP request with Axios to fetch data from MongoDB and logging errors using Winston.
- MongoDG
- Express
- React
- Node
- GoogleFirestore
Built condo management system with functions of adding, updating, deleting, and listing residence records. Designed and developed the system with Object-Oriented Programming, points and references, vector, and exception handling.
- C++
Flight Booking App
A fully function flight booking application system built using c++. Implementation of OOP included with the use of inheretance, polymorphism, and Abstration. Exceptions are created using Class structures in C++ and errors are handled using excepion classes. Data is store in an array of pointers.
- C++
Hanoi Tower Game
A Hanoi Tower game implemented using C++. User can change the number of towers and the number of disks to play with. Uses of OOP included and exceptions are used for error handling. Techniques such as tail recursions, two pointer algorithm, and some DP techniques.
- C++
Full stack responsive MERN social media app built using React.js, Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL.
- Express
- React
- Node
I've worked with a range of technologies in the web development world. From Back-end to Design.
Experience with:
C/C++, JavaScript, Typescript, Java, HTML5, CSS, Racket, MySQLFrameworks
Experience with:
Node.js, React.js, Express.js, Redux, Next.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, REST API, JSON, SCSSDev Tools and Databases
Experience with
Git, VS Code, Eclipse, Xcode, Geany, Postman, Insomnia, Heroku, Netlify, MongoDB, Google Firebase, SQL
About Me
The purpose of JavaScript Mastery is to help aspiring and established developers to take their development skills to the next level and build awesome apps.
Started my journey with HTML and CSS
Learned my first official programming language - Java
Learned C++ and Javascript
Started my first internship at CIBC
Co-founded SignItSimple and elected as the VP of IT and Technology